1984 - More than just a theory by one single man?
Perhaps one did not need to be loved so much as to be understood. - George Orwell, 1984 This book really makes you question society, authority figures, and basically the entire system as a whole. I absolutely loved it! There is a lot to I would love to unpack in this book, but I would honestly end up writing an entire thesis if I was to mention everything that went through my mind as I read this masterpiece. Ironically, I randomly happened to go from reading 1984 to The Giver straight afterwards. I am not so sure that was the best idea for someone who might be slightly prone to conspiracy theories, but what's done is done. Having said this, there are a lot of parallels in the two books, and they both make you think outside the box and wonder if everything you knew to be true might just be a lie. Furthermore, it makes you wonder what the future might look like for the coming generations, whether or not there might in fact be some truth to his words, and how on earth Orwell came up...